If you're unsure about which of the following would best compliment your goals simply drop me a message and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.
10 DAY DETOX [2013] If you want to get healthier, increase your energy levels, reduce stress and drop some body fat, this program might be perfect for you. "Although I didn't do this to lose weight, I now feel lighter than I have in years! I also feel more focussed and sharper mentally." - Pavlina |
BASELINE BOOTY [2014] Whether your goal is to run faster, jump higher, lift heavier weights, or work your glutes hard and have a nicer looking bum, this program could be just what you need. "Simply put, this program works... I basically had a sore bum for 28 days in a row, no kidding!" - Heidi |
FAT BURNING WORKOUTS [2015] Here I’ve put together a bunch of templates and routines that will hopefully take some of the guesswork out of your training whilst increasing both your strength and cardiovascular fitness at the same time. Click on the link below to download your copy of this manual for FREE. |
WORKOUT FINISHERS [2020] Specific examples of finishers I’ve used in my classes and with my clients over the years. They can be done as standalone routines or used alongside whatever training program you’re currently doing to help further boost your fitness, strength and conditioning. |